“There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God.
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.”
Psalms 46: 4-5
If you are looking for a church in the Lancaster, Ohio area, you are welcome here. We are a Bible-based, Spirit-filled church, and our whole heart is focused on fulfilling Christ’s mission to the world: loving and serving people. Through Christ’s love, the lost are found and the broken healed. (Isaiah 61:1)

At The River, we love community. Community is an essential part of furthering the kingdom of God in the earth and we believe that it starts in the local church. It is our hope to find a place for each of our members to dive in and start serving.
Service Times:
Sunday: 10:00am • Wednesday: 7:00pm
Prayer. That access between heaven and earth through which people get to their God and God gets to His people. Our Lord was ever in prayer and communion with The Father and he teaches us to do likewise. Prayer is a part of everything we do at The River and it is through intercessory prayer that we carry the needs of the body to the doors of heaven, stand in the gap for the lost and broken, seek direction, and support the body of Christ globally.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
At The River, we embrace Family worship. We believe that regardless of the age of your student, they have a place in the body of Christ and we are passionate about creating opportunities for them to grow in their love for Jesus.
Do you have a question?
Do you just need a little more info about what goes on?
Fill out this form, give us a call, or just stop in and see us.

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